
pull vb Pull, draw, drag, haul, hale, tug, tow mean to cause to move in the direction determined by the person or thing that exerts force.
Pull, the general term, is often accompanied by an adverb or adverbial phrase to indicate the direction

two locomotives pull the heavy train up the grade


pull a person toward one


pull down goods from a shelf


pull out a drawer


he felt pulled this way and that way by duty and by ambition

Draw usually implies a pulling forward or toward the person or thing that exerts the force; commonly it implies a steadier and smoother and often gentler motion than pull

draw a chair to the fireside


the coach was drawn by six horses


draw a sled over the snow


draw the curtains


draw lots from an urn

In extended use draw often specifically implies a result dependent on a drawing by lot

draw a prize


draw a jury

or by extracting

draw a tooth

or by an inferring

draw a conclusion

or by attracting

the parasol drew him like a magnet— Wharton


the drawing power of a play

or a bringing forth or eliciting from a source of supply

draw money from the bank


a . . . being from whom we draw power and refreshment— Day Lewis

Drag implies a pulling slowly and heavily after the agent or thing exerting force over the ground or a surface; it usually suggests active or passive resistance

the horses dragged the overturned carriage half a mile


the ship dragged her moorings in the storm


drag the laden net to the shore


drag logs to the river


the attempt which is now being made to drag Anglicanism away from its history and traditions— Inge

Haul implies a forcible pulling, sometimes a dragging

when the hawser fell into the water, there was no means of hauling the boat to shore


haul down the sails


that dangling figure was hauled up forty feet above the fountain— Dickens


began to kiss all the girls, young and old, until his wife . . . hauled him aside and calmed him down— Styron

Haul may imply transportation of heavy materials in a vehicle or conveyance

wagons hauling loads of wood


trucks hauling gravel


trains that haul coal from the mines

Hale may occasionally replace haul in the sense of pulling forcibly

the rope that haled the buckets from the well— Tennyson

but more often it is used of the constraining, compelling, or dragging of a reluctant person

natives, haled long distances to court as liquor witnesses— Colby

Tug implies a strenuous, usually spasmodic pulling, but it may or may not suggest actual movement

the child tugged at his father's hand


tugged at the chains with the aid of two husky comrades— Costain


the Old Inhabitant chuckled and tugged at his little goatee— Brandt

Tow implies pulling or drawing (as by a rope or chain) something which is not using or is unable to use its own power (tow a ship into its berth)

tow a wrecked automobile to a garage


a truck comes out from headquarters, and tows the wagon— G. R. Stewart


New Dictionary of Synonyms. 2014.

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